A UJI study shows that the fashion industry’s environmental reports do not reveal their most relevant impacts


The research led by Professor María Jesús Muñoz Torres of the SoGReS-MF group has analysed the challenges in global sustainability of the textile sector and its connection with business management within the framework of a European H2020 project

A study developed by the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) shows that the fashion industry’s environmental reports are aligned with global challenges in the area of sustainability. However, they do not reveal their most relevant impacts along the textile production supply chain. The results of the European research led by Professor María Jesús Muñoz Torres of the SoGReS-MF group have just been published in the journal Environment, Development and Sustainability.

The simulations carried out by the SoGReS-MF group of the Faculty of Law and Economics show that the greatest environmental impacts of the fashion sector “do not take place in the last stages of product life through recycling or life extension processes, but rather during the first phases of the life cycle of raw material production and processing for garment manufacture”, as the authors explain. Furthermore, the most important impact “is related to water management, which is a very scarce resource in many areas of the planet, and to the consequences of production processes on human health” argues María Jesús Muñoz Torres, Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the UJI, who also remarks that this study is being carried out within the framework of the European project “Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade” (SMART) financed through the H2020 programme.

The conclusions of the study show that companies are focusing more on disseminating climate change indicators, in relation to the CO2 emissions responsible for global warming, taking into account international documents such as the United Nations Paris Agreement 2015. However, the greatest environmental impacts of fashion are concentrated in the stages of production of raw materials, due to high water consumption or pollution and the use of land, or during fabric and garment production, due to their effects on human health, both carcinogenic and not carcinogenic, generated by the toxicity of the processes.

Sustainable supply chain management in a global context: a consistency analysis in the textile industry between environmental management practices at company level and sectoral and global environmental challenges María Jesús Muñoz‐Torres. María Ángeles Fernández‐Izquierdo · Juana María Rivera‐Lirio· Idoya Ferrero‐Ferrero · Elena Escrig‐Olmedo. Environment, Development and Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-020-00748-4

«La formación aporta un gran bagaje en un área demandada»

En un periodo como el actual marcado por la feroz competencia, la digitalización mundial, el surgimiento de nuevos grupos de presión y el creciente activismo de los consumidores, resulta crucial que las organizaciones gestionen de forma adecuada las relaciones con todos los grupos de interés (empleados, inversores, clientes, proveedores, administraciones públicas,…). Por eso, el Máster Universitario en Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa tiene como objetivo general analizar y profundizar en el concepto y múltiples dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC), poniendo el énfasis en la aplicabilidad de las herramientas de gestión y evaluación existentes, las políticas y estrategias implementadas en todos los niveles dentro de las organizaciones que integren la RSC, así como los mecanismos de diálogo e interactuación con los principales stakeholders o grupos de interés.

El máster se propone formar profesionales capaces de aplicar en la práctica el enfoque de la ética, la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social y medioambiental en los modelos de negocio y empresa existentes, además de otras organizaciones públicas y privadas, como pueden ser las entidades sin ánimo de lucro o los organismos de la administración pública.

Lee la entrevista completa realizada a una egresada del máster: 5-05-2020

Abierto el plazo de preinscripción. Toda la información en https://www.uji.es/estudis/oferta/base/masters/actual/centre/fcje/sostenibilitat-p17/

Course: “Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”

Speaker-teacher: Rodrigo Lozano, PhD (Associate Professor in Organisational Sustainability, University of Gävle, Sweden)

Course: “Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”

Language: English, Spanish

Days: 22, 23 and 24th November 2017

Time: 15 hours (from 15:00 to 20:00)

Place: JAA204AA (Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Seminar)


Doctoral students are invited to the PhD course “Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”, organised jointly by the Doctoral programme in International Studies in Peace, Conflict and Development, Doctoral programme in Economic and Business, Doctoral programme in Marketing, Doctoral programme in Science, Doctoral programme in Local Development and International Cooperation, and Doctoral programme in Design, Management and Evaluation of Public Welfare Policies at Universitat Jaume I.

Dr. Rodrigo Lozano, Associate Professor in Organisational Sustainability in University of Gävle (Sweden). He has more than ten years experience in reviewing, editing, and publishing in high impact journals. He will share his knowledge and experience writing successful scientific articles.

Scientific research is a dynamic process, which can produce knowledge, theories, and also practical solutions. The dissemination of scientific research is essential to share the main conclusions with the academic community and to make a contribution to the universal scientific knowledge. Publishing contributes to communicate the results and to discuss; however, the articles should be clear and the audience should understand their contents.

Writing and publishing research articles can be a complex activity, especially when you start your academic career, but it is essential to achieve a greater visibility and prestige.

The objective of this course is that PhD students learn essential principles on writing scientific articles for sustainability journals and increase their knowledge about scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies.

The course is aimed at a broad range of PhD students. It will be non-technical in nature, but prior knowledge of sustainability concepts is recommended. Throughout the course, Dr. Rodrigo Lozano will answer all your questions about writing scientific article with quality and chances to publish them with success, so students should be writing their first academic articles. It is an opportunity to engage with fellow students and share doubts.

We encourage you to bring your own article(s) to be discussed during the course. The article can be on draft, intermediate, or almost final stages. By bringing your article, the course will become much more interactive.

Registration in http://inscripcio.uji.es/  from 7th November until 20th November 2017.

If you have any enquiry, don’t hesitate to contact Adela Almela (aalmela@uji.es).